精攻科技股份有限公司 桃園市平鎮區平東路1段178巷38弄24號$03-450-6983精攻科技股份有限公司成立於2007年,起源至於1980年代就開始營運的精攻精機有限公司,原是專精於內齒拉刀及齒輪加工專用刀的製造廠,在加工業界享有高知名度,本著對於齒輪的專業知識及加工技術,進而走向減速機系列產品的研發、設計及製造。獲多國專利的內齒環設計能確保耐用度與有效降低噪音值,在同級產品中體積最小也最適合空間有限的設備使用,延續數十年的生產經驗和擁有極高的自製率以及永續的服務精神,冀望以精攻的品牌繼續在傳動世界發光發熱。Incorporated in2007, the origins of CYCLOID PRECISION CORP. can be traced back tothe 1980s, specialised in the manufacturing of internal gear broachand gear cutting tools. With an excellent industry reputation andexpert knowledge of gear broaching and its manufacturingtechnology, the company gradually progressed towards thedevelopment, design and manufacturing of gear box products.Granted with patent rights in several countries, its gear ringdesign ensures durability and effectively reduces noise levels. Asthe smallest in its class, it is most suitable for use in deviceswith space constraints. With an unwavering focus on driving brandawareness, the company is set to be the industry leader by itscommitment towards furthering its decades of manufacturingexperience, high rate of self-manufacturing as